One-liner: Provide a tool that shows random Manifold markets and asks the user for a prediction. Focus on usability.
Concept: The user is provided a Manifold market. They make their prediction. The market probability is shown. Then the user is allowed to bet on the market.
For reference, a minimum viable product may be found here: (This has not been created by me.)
This project takes the concept and improves on the execution.
The aim is to provide a complete tool, working as standalone or integrated to Manifold.
A list indicating features a complete version would have:
You see the market title+description
Good UI
Keeping track of your numeric predictions and how good they've been
Customizable display of meta-data and comments
Customizable time limits for making these predictions + other gamifying (e.g. "how many predictions you've done?")
Customize markets shown to you, e.g. by tags
(In case of large userbase: collecting feedback on "do you want to see more/less of this type of markets" + recommendation algorithm)
Compensation for my time and work. There may be small expenses from having a website up.
The team currently consists of me only. (I'm open to others joining and contributing.)
I have decent programming skills accumulated over a few years. However, I have not worked on similar software projects before.
I lack the technical expertise to deliver the product
I lack the time/energy/motivation, failing to deliver the product
There is a lack of users, so that it makes little sense to maintain and improve the product -> there is a lack of users -> the product is not maintained or improved -> ...
I note that while I have plenty of free time during December, I will be busier starting from January.
App status across various funders