I want to create a Telegram bot as an interface for Manifold Markets. It will enable an additional way to use MM personally. It'll also feature ways to:
publish Markets as posts in Telegram Channels (essentially, blogs in Telegram)
create and use Markets from inside Telegram group chats
The bot will be free to use, and open-sourced under MIT license.
I will also try to contribute to Manifold APIs whatever I find lacking for this project, but I have no guarantees that my contributions will necessarily be accepted (though I'll try my best), so I can't consider this to be a fundable part of the project.
Optionally, if there's interest, I'm considering:
having this bot run its own, private Markets (e.g. to use inside groups for integral group bets), and/or perhaps contribute to Manifold a way to publish private / secret markets and use them in this way
integration with more platforms than Telegram (perhaps Discord, Slack?)
integration with other prediction-market platforms
other features?
I created several Telegram bots, some of them fun and/or popular (my favourites are the AI-powered https://t.me/EveryLanguageGrammarBot and https://t.me/GetOverItBot ). I'm also writing a Rust library for the MM API: https://crates.io/crates/manifold-markets
It's my time and a tiny bit for hosting.
App status across various funders